
Hear a prophet for free ranting seldomly. He may pay you a beer sometime.

Friday, March 15, 2002

MagmaBooks redesigns. So we went shopping:

Yes. The shop is great. Go. Buy. Now. Your bookstore needs you.

Wednesday, March 13, 2002

Highlight of the day.

for (i = 0; i <= 26; i++) {       document.write("fuck");    }

Tuesday, February 26, 2002

AOL Instant Messenger + Eliza ChatBot = AOLiza. Mmmm....

Tuesday, February 19, 2002

It's fun! it's easy! it's the tile machine!

Two "look ma! I am a wierdo!" links for today: a) The Duck and Cover Manouver. b) Your mind is under control.

Monday, February 18, 2002

Death to the dotcoms.

Thursday, February 14, 2002

The coolest collection of the net? Maybe. (warning, the link above is a page with a hundred of images so the loading time can be a bit slow, and thankyouverymuch Mr Nitro for the link)

Wednesday, February 13, 2002

We like t-shirts, don't we?

Friday, February 08, 2002


Thursday, February 07, 2002

No. More. Excuses. (I am going to get flamed for this :)

Wednesday, February 06, 2002

And, continuing with the subject, will Infourm become the new k10k?

We like Tokyo. We like pictures. So we like this gallery. Done by Gridplane. (we like flash as well, don't we?)

Tuesday, February 05, 2002

December 2000. London. I find a rather disturbing mosaic of a small pixelated alien in the streets of Covent Garden area. July 2001. Amsterdam. I happen to see another one of those in one of the famous bridges of the city. I know I have seen at least another one of them. But can't recall where. Though now I know what is all about.

Are you tough enough to learn some good object oriented actionscript? Go then!

Monday, February 04, 2002

Me wants a kilt.

You can track changed on Internet through the study of very old websites that have posts since the early stages of this very expensive "toy". Example (and a very cool page I must say).

Friday, January 25, 2002

The guys at LeftLoft have some kind of design diary. I found this there and it made me smile. Isn't it heartwarming?

Thursday, January 24, 2002

I am a typography junkie. And when you have a large collection of type, you need a tool to browse through them. Most of the tools in the market only let you browse the fonts installed, but I have so many I simply can't have all them installed. So I searched for one that could help me with this task. And et voila. Font Viewer. And it is free.

Friday, January 18, 2002

The last update of Mr Nakamura is.... sublime. (I am talking about the black ribbon. Oh, if you have a slow computer (P2 or P3 at less than 400Mhz) don't even bother checking the link)

Thursday, January 17, 2002

An anonymous subscriber to a mailing list. From: xxxxx@xxxxx.edu.tw Subject: don,t send mail to me can you not mail to me again. beacause my mail is so small..... thanks...............

Friday, January 11, 2002

And Microsoft does it again: now they teach anyone who wants to hear how to remove Linux from their computers here. Are they nuts? (duh, they are microsoft, they are nuts already) What will be next? a HowTo on the process to commit suicide in a very painful and unstylish way? (link provided by ale)

Thursday, January 10, 2002

Quote of the day: "Stress test the app for worse than you can imagine. Remember, they can always build a better idiot" - Branden Hall & Samuel Wan on Flash apps development. (thought it can be applied to mostly any kind of development that is going to suffer the exposure of human interaction)

Thursday, January 03, 2002

As funny as mp3s get: the Celebrity Sound Boards (remember to check the pranks made with the boards).

Monday, December 31, 2001

Happy new year *hic*..... wankers.... God, I shouldn't have had that last one, but the waitress look'd marvelous. (I have proof!)

Thursday, December 27, 2001

"... Design is clearly a process that creates solutions, but to think of a problem as its source is an entirely negative concept to me. The biggest and most consistent cause of problems in my experience as a designer is humankind - people - people with opinions, with bosses, personals agendas, low aesthetic values, unsophisticated or just downright bad taste, obsessiones with lowest-common-denominator marketing, lack of imagination, lack of self-confidence, little respect for the design profession, a low propensity for telling the truth, a lack of communication skills, no practical experience, no sense of bravery (or, god forbid, no sense of humour)." - Rob O'Connor from Stylorouge (excerpt taken from Delicious: the design & art of Stylorouge)

Tuesday, December 25, 2001

A new brood of internet enterpreneurs is out there... look.

Monday, December 24, 2001

Happy Christmas to you all. Whatever.

Thursday, December 20, 2001

I like women. Yeah. Sue me.

Funny day. a) The movie is a great film experience. You should go and see it. Now. Run. Faster. b) The company I work for, IconMedialab, has merged with Lost Boys. Interesting times ahead I foresee. Thoughts on a) > I have seen a book I did read. I have seen the Shire, and Rivendell, and Moria... I have heard Gandalf talking, and the battle where Sauron was first defetead. Galadriel was there, with all her beauty and her power. The Prauncing Pony. Isengard. The treason of Boromir. The loyalty of Strider. The bow of Legolas and the axe of Gimli, son of Gloin. And look, the hobbits walk by their own bare feet. Thanks Mr Jackson.

Wednesday, December 19, 2001

Off to see The Lord of the Rings!

A game. Don't try to understand it. Just play.

Monday, December 17, 2001

And be sure to read the review of the product.

I have an erection. Yes. You don't have to know that. But hey. It's free info. Why do I have a hard-on? Because I am a comic freak and I have seen this trailer. And, in the meanwhile, our very own policeman of the web has found that Amazon does not only sell toys and books (btw, have you seen where toysrus.com points to?). They also sell some pleasure units for the everyday woman.

Do you want to DJ but you don't have the money to do so and you own a computer? Get one of these and put your MP3 collection into doing something useful. (found it after mr quake shared this other whoa-I-want-one toy with me)

Friday, December 14, 2001

Two sites that have updated recently:

  • Natzke, we all know him don't we (call him eric).
  • Flight404, which is a collaborative web about flash experiments. They had this update recently, but because some freak fucked their server account there was a 2 month downtime.

Do you need a new pair of shoes? (I know I do) Buy them then!

Thursday, December 13, 2001

Ok. Good news. I am sending my digital wallet over to the States to get it fixed and the info recovered. And as well, I realized it is just a material good. I shouldn't worry too much about it. What really pisses me off is all those photos I've lost (temporarily I hope). Thank you for listening.

Tuesday, December 11, 2001

Argh. I dropped (accidently) my digital wallet when I took it out of the backpack this very morning. I panicked (obviously). And as soon as I picked it up from the floor I turned it on, to check it if was still working. And yes. It was. But after 2 or 3 hours the fucking thing has started to make funny noises. And it is not working anymore (it has a small 20 gb hard disk inside, so probable the heads have slipped away or something similar...). All my photos from the past 2 months are inside it. I hate myself for depending so much on technology. Now I cross my fingers hoping that the guys from Minds@Work can help me out. Sorry about the complaining. You are the only one who listens to me nowadays ;)

Monday, December 10, 2001

The bastards at Raketspel.se have released their ping pong game in a game server of their own: Shockplay.com (Shockwave needed) And someone has done a simple but lovely site called practise. I just like it.

Sunday, December 09, 2001

And in case you were wondering: yes, I got a fish-eye lens for my camera. :)

okeeee. The very first gallery of my trip to New York City back in early November is now on-line. I'll tell you more about them later. Now I am thinking. Yes. Thinking.

Friday, December 07, 2001

(btw, habitat new site was developed by the people at digit london)

Habitat does it again. I want to buy the whole shop. And, I am wondering, there are tons and tons of new webloggers out there, some with good content and some with bad content. But my doubt here is: does my content qualify as something unique or it's part of the mass? am I a weblog with photos or photos with a weblog? do I need to ditch the log and stick to my photos? or shall I just go the drag way and rename myself to Ms. Petronia Wallflowers? aahhh.. life is full of difficult choices. Someone, bring me a beer. I am thirsty.

When you read in Wired an article about Tokyo by Willy Gibson we all go "whooa... that place must rock big time"... When you see stuff like this videoclip here... you start wondering what is all about Japan. Or at least I do. Look. You can even buy a DVD. (warning: japanese language set needed for proper visualization of the link) And, as present, from me, to you all, Tokyo Breakfast. (go here for a faster link, but with some sponsoring; and don't forget to thank Stile for all this goodies)

Wednesday, December 05, 2001

I got my senses blasted. With some carbonated jazz...

Tuesday, December 04, 2001

Heiko told me that the Segway takes 6 hours to get a full charge. Sounds a bit too much to me, doesn�t it?

Monday, December 03, 2001

six a.m. in the fucking morning and here I am.. working. Whatever. Dean Kamen released yesterday his "it". Real name: Segway HT. Looks mighty cool if you ask me. No idea how useful it will be yet, but it surely looks damn ok... Haven't found how long does it take to get a full charge though. The future is in front of us. I guess.

t-shirts + shop + design community = threadless. Buy motherfuckers! buy!

Signs! Signs! Signs for everyone!

It was just a matter of time someone released an archive on what happened on September 11th. Two examples:

  • The WayBack Archive; the ultimate websites archive dedicates a collection to the events. Very interesting to see how the world changed through the Net.
  • The Television Archive; this site is focused on television, and therefor you can watch as in your favourite couch how the telly coped with their biggest blockbuster ever. And they weren't prepared, were they?.
Remember, there were two towers in the heart of the Empire...

Friday, November 30, 2001

Look! Terremoto is a pokemon! (I know, very silly) (thanks Juan Luis)

This can't be true. Play for your God. By the way, my site may be not accesible for a few days. DNS changing. Sorry. :)

Tuesday, November 27, 2001

It's toolbar day. Alexa, a cool company who brought us the internet archive has developed a cool toolbar for your web browser (Internet Explorer 5.0.x, 5.5 and 6.0 only) who provides valuable or valueless info for a pleasant web-browsing (for us who like to know what are we looking at =). Download here.

Monday, November 26, 2001

This is so fucking funny. :) Thanks Heiko.

I am back. From NYC that is. Yeah. I made some photos :) (no no, no galleries online yet)

Friday, November 23, 2001

I have a friend (if you can call him 'friend') who has passed me this link. He is retarded. Forgive him. And, speaking of retards. Another friend informed me about the spanish/bin-laden link. And I am laughing my arse off. If I get the picture right, we have like eight terrorists in Spain (guarded by our beloved star judge Baltasar Garzón) who are requested by the U.S. of A. for further prosecution. But, and here comes the funny bit, as we have a great constitution and we don't like death penalty (no, we don't like it, ok?) we won't send our prisoners to countries where the death penalty is still a rather enjoyable spectacle that lets TV Networks earn some share points and some governors catch a few votes off the basket. Like the U.S. of A. Shit. This is so funny.

Wednesday, November 21, 2001

And I thought that they will stop buggering us with reverse speech when they discovered all those 'Love Satan' messages in Led Zeppelin and Black Sabbath songs. On a lighter note, I was in a shopping spree this afternoon in the Soho area when out of the blue there she was. My god what a woman. Her dog sniffed me. Twice. The dog was very ugly though. Damn ugly. But what a lovely tights she had. That's it. Enough ranting for today.

Tuesday, November 20, 2001

Couldn't see De La Guarda. Don't ask why. Shit happens I guess. And as shit happens, some old nightmares come to prey upon me. Such is the case of David Benedicte. He is responsible for some wierd magazine he keeps saying it belongs to a very truthful and honest company. But we all know the truth. He is the character he has wrote about in his new novel. Haven't read it yet. But be sure that I'll be masochist enough to go and buy it when I am back in Spain (sorry folks, the novel is only in spanish so far)(probably will stay that way unless the author pays a translator, I have witness his pathetic lack of english speaking skills)(fuck, he even tried to make teach him once).

Monday, November 19, 2001

Back in NYC till the 25th. Hotel room provided by Carlton Arms Hotel. Room 1D (for the record). And here. A link about Tangerine (the bar I was ranting about yesterday). Tonight I am off to see De La Guarda.

Sunday, November 18, 2001

Tangerine. If you ever come to St Louis, be sure to visit that bar. Lovely. Next update sometime tomorrow. I am quite busy here in the Gateway to the West. Blame Andres for that.

Wednesday, November 14, 2001

In Spain we have La Netro. In the States they have CitySearch. Draw your bloody own conclusions. I am too fucking tired.

Tuesday, November 13, 2001

Oh. And remember I said that paranoia was fading? It faded because the 245 people that died (2 hundred something, can't be arsed to check the final bodycount now) were dominicans. And according to the standard newyorker those ain't people. Sounds harsh? think on the passengers of that airbus. Now that is harsh.

Outcome of the screening session.

  • Monsters Inc. Good. Not as good as Toy Story 2. And not as good as Shrek. But good.
  • Zoolander. Way too many cameos. Maybe. Storyline sucks big time. But I liked it. Much better than Scary Movie 2 for example.
Yes. The movies I have seen are as deep as my critics. Go figure.

Right now I am at the easyeverything cafe here in Times Square (only pronounce one s, not both of them or the newyorkers will eat you). I can say one thing so far, NYC carves notches in your nerves with a tea spoon. But it is really worth it. Off to see two films in a row (feel like staying inside the cinema for the whole day): Monsters Inc and Zoolander.

Monday, November 12, 2001

(and the digital wallet was only 300 buck at jandr.com near city park...)

By the way, about the plane crash. Nothing serious happened (apart from the obvious loss of several humans life we all mourn for). Paranoia seems to be fading (hopefully) among new yorkers.

Took me more time than expected to get to NYC, but I am already here. Lovely city I must say (obvious, duh). Taking lots of pictures, bought a digital wallet to store them, a fish eye lens, and yes, the shopping spree seems to have started already (even when I promised myself to wait till next week).

Thursday, November 08, 2001

Just came back from the doctor. Seems like my wrist is back in normal shape again. Good. Because tomorrow I am flying to NYC. :)

Tuesday, November 06, 2001

About 2 weeks ago I spent a lovely afternoon in the zoo. So I made some photos. And a new gallery has been posted. (all this made only with my left hand)

Still with a sprained wrist. And doctor wants me to stop typing. Bloody hell. Or Heaven.

Tuesday, October 30, 2001

My right hand is injured. So expect no posts in 5 days (according to the doc). Writing only with the left hand is a real pain in the ass...

Friday, October 26, 2001

See the photo in the left? I am in that same place again (just a few months later). That's Barcelona for you ignorants. I'd better get going. I have beers to drink, women to meet and a movie to see.

Thursday, October 25, 2001

My mind is blogging. Any of you remember Zork? A guy has. Look at this great 404 page.

Not that I am a Philip Glass fan, but found this lovely interface to explore his works (found it at v-2).

Friday, October 19, 2001

Oookey. Small update. Big update. New gallery with 10 photos of, in my opinion, the best train station in town (that's Madrid, and the train station is Principe Pio). I know I have more photos of that station somewhere but I haven't found them yet. From now on, I'll try and make more regular updates to the gallery. I know I am a very big lazy bastard.

Wednesday, October 17, 2001

Small update today with two issued (and no links): a) Yesterday link was more a "online exhibit" rather than an online gallery (Javier corrected me). b) I am going to New York City on November 9th, till the 25th. (thanks Mr Serna for the hosting) If you want to discuss anything related to a) or b), please e-mail. (did I say no links? I lied)

Tuesday, October 16, 2001

A great online gallery with more WTC photos. (I know, I should update my gallery as well) (thanks Javier for the link)

Thursday, October 11, 2001

I live in Madrid. I think its a cool city you know... but fuck we do have one of the worst majors you can get around. And the website sucks big time. Now, couldn't we have something like this one? Is that hard?

Monday, October 08, 2001

Do you have some spare Furbys around your house? Congratulations then! you can build your own Beowulf Cluster with a bunch of Furbys! Ain't life joyous? (well, not if there is a war around)

Gaming day!

  • Spaced Penguin, I don't know whats funnier, seeing the penguin going around space or the game. Lovely if you like maths and physics.
  • GridBloc, multiplayer fun for you and your family.
And: do you think this guys are for real? or it is just another bad hoax?

Friday, October 05, 2001

Have you noticed that I haven't published a new photo in months now? That I deserve to die for that? No excuses. Now, if you need some html ref guide or ASCII chars (to make a nice ASCII picture)... you have to meet this person. And he does it for free.

Fuel Industries. They have great flash interface (a bit cranky in low-range systems) but be sure to solve all the riddles and access all the great games they have. (via Mr Marquez)

Wednesday, October 03, 2001

Bastards. Bastards. Bastards. You know who they are. And what the do. Argh. I am very jealous. I want to be like them.

This is my very own week on hell. But, sometimes, you remember some people have even worse times. Thanks Microsoft.

Monday, October 01, 2001

Another freak bites the dust.

I have been corrected. A friend (if you can call him that) has sent an email commenting a funny fact: "The webpage from 1994 was updated in 1998 and the 'font' tag wasn't introduced until NSN 2.x which came in late 1995 as far as I can remember!" He is damn right. Shame on me.

You never know which marketing trend is going to attack you next. But I do know one that I wouldn't mind being attacked with. A Bathing Ape + Pepsi = BAPE Next post will be about links, weblogs, and why you shouldn't drive over you grandmother with the lawnmover.

Thursday, September 27, 2001

1994 was my first year in the university. 1994 was the year I met internet. 1994 meant using shell accounts to telnet, ftp or e-mail. 1994 was also the year I started playing rugby, and the year I got kicked out of the Mathematics school. 1994 meant webpages like this one. The first page I ever visited with links to web resources. And it is still there. And it hasn't been updated. 1994 was seven years ago.

Wednesday, September 26, 2001

The Cooper Union is a damn fine Archicture, Arts and Engineering University in the middle of NYC. And they maintain the National Graphic Design Archive. Check it out. It's damn cool.

Tuesday, September 25, 2001

Monty Python vs Lego. (via milov.nl) (hint: click on playback options once you are there to choose the appropiate playback system)

Today has been officially declared Voyeur day.

Yes. I am still thinking on what happened the 11th of September.

I am a voyeur. (maybe that's why I like taking photos) And this is every voyeur's dream.

Friday, September 21, 2001

As I am a lazy git I will give you someone's else photo. He traveled to Cuba. And came back with some stuff. He is Scalope. And he is bald. And old. Now go.

Thursday, September 20, 2001

Two more things.

The friend is interesting, the webcam is not.

Two flashy links for today.

Both of them full of flash gadgets and stuff to play with.

Anybody remembers old japanese manga about a football team? Their stars where Oliver (striker) and Benji (goalkeeper). Well, seems like Coca-Cola China (it's China, right?) do. Here. (it's a set of games that look exactly how the series, with the never ending fields and such)

Wednesday, September 19, 2001

I am not still on the mood. But I could buy a tshirt. Oh yes I could.

Tuesday, September 18, 2001

A week has passed and I am not in the mood to update.

Friday, September 14, 2001

Back to 'normal'. I feel confused. Sure, the investigations are helping us see what really happened and all. But I feel confused about what should be happening next. Not with the towers, not with NYC. But with every single person out there, and the sum of all of them that configures humanity. Is this relevant enough? or should we wait for a huge meteor to hit the earth? No links. (I am preparing a repository of photographs and videos, and you can still check out my tribute to the moment history came by and said hi in our faces) Thanks.

Tuesday, September 11, 2001

This is a big big test, part of a experiment the guy from milov is conducting.

Funny game done with shockwave + lego = the junkbot. (via bomber studios)

Monday, September 10, 2001

It's been a while since the last time I went clothing shopping. So I am waiting for this clothing range website shop to open. This fall they say. The bastards.

Sunday, September 09, 2001

One of my relatives passed away. And people can't stop thinking about shit.

Friday, September 07, 2001

Testing BlogBuddy. Does it work?

I know a guy. He is from Sevilla. He has a lousy beard. And a weblog about flash. But he is friendly enough to help you out with your daily problems and this tool from hell.

Thursday, September 06, 2001

At last. A movie that looks good enough to make me laugh. And a damn fine flash website as well. Here we present ...The Royal Tenenbaums. (Hint: check out the trailer)

Awww... Aint this game cute?

Ever wanted to put some lorem ipsum but only needed an exact amount of chars? Use this tool. By the way. I know I am late with the new galleries. But I have no life lately.

Wednesday, September 05, 2001

Ever wanted to tear a building to bits? Well, it's not your chance. Go and play with your powershovel and your Playstation. And get a life. P.S.: No, I have uploaded the galleries yet. But if you have the chance go and see "Nueve reinas". Great film.

Tuesday, September 04, 2001

But, thank God, there are people like Ale out there that provide me with such a good link as Levitated.net. I am still drooling over such a good bunch of flash experimentation.

I am Spanish. I live in Spain. I work in Spain. Thererfor I pay my taxes in this funny country of ours. I am an art director (previously web designer). I work for IconMedialab. Therefor I do websites. Spain + My taxes + Websites = Bizarre stuff. That website function is to 'ease' our daily dealing with our goverment. I guess our goverment doesn't want us to deal with them. (Look the source code, for a few laughs)

Monday, September 03, 2001

No new pictures yet. Tomorrow I'll post two series (if I have got the time and the patience). And someday the archive will be implemented. <sobbing> I want my k10k back! </sobbing> Also I'll be starting my rugby season. Isn't that good news?

Sunday, September 02, 2001

I am sick. No, really. I want to puke and my guts are saying funny things. Whatever. You are not interested on that. You have come here for your daily fix. Or weekly. Or like I do care. Yes I am on a bad mood and I don't give a dead dog's bollocks. Because you are interested only on my ranting. Yes. That is true. The results of my small poll are in: you only want me to talk about gibberish and nonsense. Fuck my web design skills (personal reminder: update the resume, it has started to stink rotten in there). So say hi to more links to nowhere. The net is dead. And you haven't got there. Yet. Which brings me to today's note: who the fuck is Gorriti Gilles? I have no clue. You tell me. I am just an innocent witness.

Friday, August 31, 2001

I have been out of the office for two days. Went to a very nice wedding, will post pictures next Monday. And I am still recieving feedback about the important matter I commented in my last post. God I am tired. Anyone has an aspirin?

Wednesday, August 29, 2001

Did someone said that specializing was a good way to make business? Well, here is the most specialized matchmaking site I have ever seen (so far). And yes, I find it funny. <important matter> By the way. I have a question for all you loyal readers out there (heh, like I had): should I focus the info and links I post here to something like web design? or should I stay doing just ranting with no real purpose on mind? Feedback will be very appreciated. </important matter> And on a completely different matter (today looks like it's weird day) I found one of the weirdest museums in my life: The Wooden-Nickel Museum.

Monday, August 27, 2001

Jews + Coupons + Internet = Kpons! (Kosher Print Out 'N' Save). Bizarre.

Busy day today. Look what the bastards at IMDB have done in this screenshot. I mean, it's the old 'disable your right button' javascript thingie. But what really pisses me off is the tone of the message. Since when do websites have rights over my browser?

Sometimes typographies have more uses than those they were devised for. Example. Why? because it reminds me of stuff I had forgotten somewhere in the back of my head. Who knows what can typography can do for you (I have a friend who uses typography to relieve stress). Yes. This is a very stupid post so far. Sue me. <recommendation of the week> If you live in Spain or have access to it go and see Lucia y el sexo, Julio Medem's last movie. I loved it. </recommendation of the week> And, speaking of which, cybersquatters have become more "sophisticated". Take a look at this domain. It has the name of the movie, and I bet you two beers it's not the official site. Years ago cybersquatters just put up an html with nothing but a hello in it. Now they publish dynamic flash sites. Funny, ain't it?

Friday, August 24, 2001

Say, ever wanted to get a breast augmentation? Look here for info on the subject. And don't ask me how did I got there.

Thursday, August 23, 2001

Quite interesting (a bit pedantic) article on typography readability in the web. Read it here. I find it quite amusing as there are no data on how the surveys where made. Typical.

Wednesday, August 22, 2001

Quality designs for quality tshirts at [DERUSH�], a quality online shop. Damn expensive as well.

<drooling> I want one. </drooling>

And Mr Balmer does it again. I like the first video better, but in this one you can see how pathetic you can be when cocaine effect has faded out.

Tuesday, August 21, 2001

Uploaded another set of photos. Eighteen of them this time. And one of them is, probably, the best photo I've ever made.

Monday, August 20, 2001

Learn how did we became humans. A lovely flash documentary.

Do you know how to use urinals properly? Well, fear no more, there is an organization for you. Fuck Netiquette. Say hi to Bathroom Etiquette. (thanks Nitro for the link)

Friday, August 17, 2001

We talk all day long about HCI. That is supposedly Human-Computer-Interface. But shouldn't we make differences when talking about Male-Computer-Interfaces and Female-Computer-Interfaces? Example here.

Thursday, August 16, 2001

Ok. This is a very intense day in terms of updates. Added a new gallery: London. 25 photographs of this city. Much better than the ones from Amsterdam if you ask me. Pay a visit.

I was talking with a colleague about how we surf the web. We patrol the web (Apatrullando la web). This concept has been nurtured by another psycho. Now, when I asked: do we have the moral authority to do this? My collague answered: Yes we do, what the fuck. That's because we have been here since before the man was man. We have seen a lot of things born and die already. Isn't he lovely? So beware boys, we are watching your webs (or gophersites).

I have done some changes to the gallery. Implemented a dumb .asp that will scout the contents of the directory and display the photos dinamically. Very silly. Really. Trust me. It's so stupid even Forrest Gump could have done it himself. And took me 2 fucking days. I am retarded, yes. Well, check it at the gallery.

Wednesday, August 15, 2001

Back in 1995 this was the busiest site of the web: Netscape. And Dave Titus was the responsible for creating one cool mascot for Mosaic/Netscape. He created some cool t-shirts that are, probably, collector's items. Do you have one? lucky dot-commer.

Now this is a damn funny animation. Haven't seen something that funny since "all your base are belong to us". And check out B3ta. The previous animation it's all their fault.

Tuesday, August 14, 2001

People are very bored. Chair skating. Today. In the Netherlands.

Thought of the day: If I had enough money I would buy all the tshirts from ThinkGeek.

Monday, August 13, 2001

Some guys have decided that porn and shops are not the only ones that can use thumbnails to preview stuff. So they have set up a thumbnailed archive of weblogs. Check it out at Screenshortstart.com.

Friday, August 10, 2001

Isn't this a glorious day? Well. No. But I have uploaded my first collection of photos to the gallery. Check it out. (not my best, but the last ones I took in Amsterdam last week) (I had better ones, but my dear sister erased 75 of them from the digital camera, by accident) My idea is to upload collections in a semi-regular basis. Keep coming for more updates. Cheers. :)

The guys from NTK, a high-tech sarcastic weekly digest have released a miriad of t-shirts for you and me. Check them out at geekstyle.co.uk. By the way. I have heard that Mars Inc. (the guys who make M&M's and such) are planning to release M&M's with dulce de leche inside of them. Anyone knows anything about this? Your truly, a dulce de leche junkie.

Thursday, August 09, 2001

Because of my work I have to use Photoshop quite a lot. And it came to my mind this morning, while I was watching a beautiful blue sky, that sometimes I would like to have Photoshop's eyedropper tool to choose from colours I see in the Real Life [tm]. I know. Sounds ridiculous, but I have problems choosing colours a lot of times, and being able to choose a colour I like without having to make an aproximation would be so cool. ... Ok. I will stop now.

Wednesday, August 08, 2001

Porn + Internet = Money That's probably the only truth about business of the Internet Age. But, as always, most of the websites are badly designed. Sometimes you find some cool stuff. Three examples: a) Ultrafashionporn.com, a website devoted to provide people with fancy porn inspired stuff and lovely links (they are italians). b) PornoGrafics, another nicely designed portal similar to UltraFashionPorn (somehow) (but made by spanish people). c) And, finally, SuperCult.com, a Massachusets based company devoted to 'quality' porn. Note: all those sites shouldn't be viewed by under18s. Oh, and a link to one of my three fav architects of all time: Mies van der Rohe, Mr Less is more.

Tuesday, August 07, 2001

Madrid in August is great. No cars, no people, no nothing.... just a plain good ol' city. Hey, I can even come to my workplace using my car. And park it!

Monday, August 06, 2001

Fuck me sideways with a broomstick. A friend sent me a link this morning. It was a link to a video file. Check it out: Planet of the Apes meet Microsoft. I thought I could never see something like this, even in a company like Microsoft.

Sunday, August 05, 2001

I am an ICQ user (you have to love the program, right?). Anyways, found a webpage that sells customized clothing for ICQ users like you and me. Want your own? Go get it.

Friday, August 03, 2001

Bleagh. Back from holidays. And I have a good idea: I LIKE TO PLAY. There. Now, link of the day: This is not a 404.

Thursday, July 26, 2001

Look ma! it�s me surrounded by swedish people! Yep. I am in G�teborg, a lovely city in the Nothern sea.... or the Baltic, or a sea which is damn cold. By the way, check out this curious link: They Rule (a new website on world power brought to you by FutureFarmers). (Thanks, Javier for the link)

Wednesday, July 25, 2001

I am in The Netherlands visiting my sister. She is doing a PhD on the Technical University of Delft. These guys have to great things: a) A great department on informational design (read this book). b) A wonderful main library (can't recall who were the architects, but it is portrayed in this wonderful Taschen book).

Sunday, July 22, 2001

<senseless rant> Recently I have noted a side effect of the dot com crisis: the "I am not in the mood to do this anymore" crisis. Meaning: Some representative people of the web community have started giving up. (two examples - Dack and Assembler. The 1st one was well known for his usability stuff and the 2nd because he developed some of the best DTHML around) Even some of my web friends are starting to think on moving to other industries (sepherding, manwhoring, etc). I am not as motivated as I was... </senseless rant>

Saturday, July 21, 2001

A friend of mine has a website focused on usability matters for the spanish speaking world of the net. I am commenting this basically because the ACIA lists his website in the list of Information Architecture Resources. Number 40 out of 130 considering the popularity. Ain't that cool?

Wednesday, July 18, 2001

<nostalgia> My very first computer. Sniff. </nostalgia>

Tuesday, July 17, 2001

Today is a Flash[tm] day. Recently we have had FlashForward 2001 in New York. And the winners are already out there. One of them is Titoonic, a danish company that focus on generating toon-based flash content. And boy, the are good. Or I like their work way too much. More on the matter later on (now my slavist is cracking the whip again).

Monday, July 16, 2001

I am addicted. (Remember the Ctrl and the Shift are your friends) By the way. I was thinking..... we had the dot com revolution... so... what it's the next one? which industry will be the next cool one? (as you can see I am having fun with html tags, it's been a fucking while since the last time I used them)

Woo woo! It's a website? it's a shop? it's a design firm? or it is just a big pile of shite? I like it. It's TheApartment.

Friday, July 13, 2001

Ok. I have rebooted. The photo gallery hasn't been implemented yet. As well as the random photo feature (though you don't know about that one yet because you can't see the button). And I know you hate when you see the "under construction" thingie. So hate me if you wish. This time is for free.