
Hear a prophet for free ranting seldomly. He may pay you a beer sometime.

Monday, December 31, 2001

Happy new year *hic*..... wankers.... God, I shouldn't have had that last one, but the waitress look'd marvelous. (I have proof!)

Thursday, December 27, 2001

"... Design is clearly a process that creates solutions, but to think of a problem as its source is an entirely negative concept to me. The biggest and most consistent cause of problems in my experience as a designer is humankind - people - people with opinions, with bosses, personals agendas, low aesthetic values, unsophisticated or just downright bad taste, obsessiones with lowest-common-denominator marketing, lack of imagination, lack of self-confidence, little respect for the design profession, a low propensity for telling the truth, a lack of communication skills, no practical experience, no sense of bravery (or, god forbid, no sense of humour)." - Rob O'Connor from Stylorouge (excerpt taken from Delicious: the design & art of Stylorouge)

Tuesday, December 25, 2001

A new brood of internet enterpreneurs is out there... look.

Monday, December 24, 2001

Happy Christmas to you all. Whatever.

Thursday, December 20, 2001

I like women. Yeah. Sue me.

Funny day. a) The movie is a great film experience. You should go and see it. Now. Run. Faster. b) The company I work for, IconMedialab, has merged with Lost Boys. Interesting times ahead I foresee. Thoughts on a) > I have seen a book I did read. I have seen the Shire, and Rivendell, and Moria... I have heard Gandalf talking, and the battle where Sauron was first defetead. Galadriel was there, with all her beauty and her power. The Prauncing Pony. Isengard. The treason of Boromir. The loyalty of Strider. The bow of Legolas and the axe of Gimli, son of Gloin. And look, the hobbits walk by their own bare feet. Thanks Mr Jackson.

Wednesday, December 19, 2001

Off to see The Lord of the Rings!

A game. Don't try to understand it. Just play.

Monday, December 17, 2001

And be sure to read the review of the product.

I have an erection. Yes. You don't have to know that. But hey. It's free info. Why do I have a hard-on? Because I am a comic freak and I have seen this trailer. And, in the meanwhile, our very own policeman of the web has found that Amazon does not only sell toys and books (btw, have you seen where toysrus.com points to?). They also sell some pleasure units for the everyday woman.

Do you want to DJ but you don't have the money to do so and you own a computer? Get one of these and put your MP3 collection into doing something useful. (found it after mr quake shared this other whoa-I-want-one toy with me)

Friday, December 14, 2001

Two sites that have updated recently:

  • Natzke, we all know him don't we (call him eric).
  • Flight404, which is a collaborative web about flash experiments. They had this update recently, but because some freak fucked their server account there was a 2 month downtime.

Do you need a new pair of shoes? (I know I do) Buy them then!

Thursday, December 13, 2001

Ok. Good news. I am sending my digital wallet over to the States to get it fixed and the info recovered. And as well, I realized it is just a material good. I shouldn't worry too much about it. What really pisses me off is all those photos I've lost (temporarily I hope). Thank you for listening.

Tuesday, December 11, 2001

Argh. I dropped (accidently) my digital wallet when I took it out of the backpack this very morning. I panicked (obviously). And as soon as I picked it up from the floor I turned it on, to check it if was still working. And yes. It was. But after 2 or 3 hours the fucking thing has started to make funny noises. And it is not working anymore (it has a small 20 gb hard disk inside, so probable the heads have slipped away or something similar...). All my photos from the past 2 months are inside it. I hate myself for depending so much on technology. Now I cross my fingers hoping that the guys from Minds@Work can help me out. Sorry about the complaining. You are the only one who listens to me nowadays ;)

Monday, December 10, 2001

The bastards at Raketspel.se have released their ping pong game in a game server of their own: Shockplay.com (Shockwave needed) And someone has done a simple but lovely site called practise. I just like it.

Sunday, December 09, 2001

And in case you were wondering: yes, I got a fish-eye lens for my camera. :)

okeeee. The very first gallery of my trip to New York City back in early November is now on-line. I'll tell you more about them later. Now I am thinking. Yes. Thinking.

Friday, December 07, 2001

(btw, habitat new site was developed by the people at digit london)

Habitat does it again. I want to buy the whole shop. And, I am wondering, there are tons and tons of new webloggers out there, some with good content and some with bad content. But my doubt here is: does my content qualify as something unique or it's part of the mass? am I a weblog with photos or photos with a weblog? do I need to ditch the log and stick to my photos? or shall I just go the drag way and rename myself to Ms. Petronia Wallflowers? aahhh.. life is full of difficult choices. Someone, bring me a beer. I am thirsty.

When you read in Wired an article about Tokyo by Willy Gibson we all go "whooa... that place must rock big time"... When you see stuff like this videoclip here... you start wondering what is all about Japan. Or at least I do. Look. You can even buy a DVD. (warning: japanese language set needed for proper visualization of the link) And, as present, from me, to you all, Tokyo Breakfast. (go here for a faster link, but with some sponsoring; and don't forget to thank Stile for all this goodies)

Wednesday, December 05, 2001

I got my senses blasted. With some carbonated jazz...

Tuesday, December 04, 2001

Heiko told me that the Segway takes 6 hours to get a full charge. Sounds a bit too much to me, doesn�t it?

Monday, December 03, 2001

six a.m. in the fucking morning and here I am.. working. Whatever. Dean Kamen released yesterday his "it". Real name: Segway HT. Looks mighty cool if you ask me. No idea how useful it will be yet, but it surely looks damn ok... Haven't found how long does it take to get a full charge though. The future is in front of us. I guess.

t-shirts + shop + design community = threadless. Buy motherfuckers! buy!

Signs! Signs! Signs for everyone!

It was just a matter of time someone released an archive on what happened on September 11th. Two examples:

  • The WayBack Archive; the ultimate websites archive dedicates a collection to the events. Very interesting to see how the world changed through the Net.
  • The Television Archive; this site is focused on television, and therefor you can watch as in your favourite couch how the telly coped with their biggest blockbuster ever. And they weren't prepared, were they?.
Remember, there were two towers in the heart of the Empire...